삭제되지않는 디렉토리의 비밀

IT/the other 2009. 4. 20. 09:37

가끔 어떻게도 삭제되지않는 디렉토리가 있다.

"del /s /f /q %TEMP%" 이것마저 무시하고 삭제되지않아서

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비밀은 색인속성에 있다. 디렉토리의 속성에서 '색인속성'을 해제하고 지워야 한다. 아래의 원문에 그 이유를 밝힌다.

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Undeletable Files

Files are sometimes created with the very long filenames or reserved names: CON, AUX, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, PRN, NUL
To delete these use the syntax: DEL \\.\C:\somedir\LPT1
Alternatively SUBST a drive letter to the folder containing the file.

If a file (or folder) still appears to be 'undeletable' this is often caused by the indexing service.
Right click the file you need to delete, choose properties, advanced and untick "allow indexing" you will then be able to delete the file.
To cure the problem permanently - Control Panel, Add/Remove programs, Win Accessories, indexing service.

출처 : http://www.ss64.com/nt/del.html